25 research outputs found

    Perancangan Desain Kawasan Perumahan dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Berkelanjutan di BSD

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    Arsitektur berkelanjutan sangat penting untuk diterapkan dalam merancang suatu bangunan. Penerapan ini berhubungan dengan 3 hal yaitu bangunan, manusia, dan lingkungan sekitar. Permasalahan umum yang terjadi adalah tingginya penggunaan energi listrik pada sektor rumah tinggal di Indonesia yang terus meningkat tiap waktu. Penggunaan energi berlebih tentu akan berdampak buruk pada lingkungan sekitar dan juga perekonomian. Selain itu, manusia tentu perlu beraktivitas sehingga terjadi adanya perpindahan dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya yang membutuhkan aksesibilitas. Permasalahan umum dalam aksesibilitas adalah pengeluaran emisi gas rumah kaca pada dalam transportasi terutama di daerah perkotaan. Hal ini akan berdampak negatif bagi lingkungan apabila terjadi secara terus menerus sehingga beberapa cara mengatasinya dengan mengoptimalkan kualitas transportasi umum serta meningkatkan kualitas aksesibilitas kendaraan non bermotor (jalur pejalan kaki dan sepeda). Maka dari itu, kedua permasalahan diatas dapat selesaikan dengan adanya penerapan arsitektur berkelanjutan. Hal ini membuat penulis tertarik memberi usulan kawasan hunian yang memenuhi kriteria arsitektur berkelanjutan agar rancangan tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat dalam jangka waktu yang panjang. Perancangan ini dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu rancangan rumah tinggal yang dapat memanfaatkan kondisi iklim sekitar serta energi alami dan kawasan perumahan yang berkelanjutan dan dapat mewadahi aksesibilitas non bermotor. Panduan utama dalam perancangan ini terletak pada poin greenship homes, desain pasif, dan pencahayaan-penghawaan alami bagi rumah tinggal dan greenship neighborhood bagi kawasan perumahan. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode simulasi pendekatan kualitatif dan metode pengumpulan data yg dilakukan dengan observasi, pemetaan, dokumentasi, serta arsip. Data tersebut akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan software DIAlux dan flow design serta ditinjau kembali dengan parameter dalam penulisan ini. Dengan demikian, usulan rancangan ini dapat menjadi jawaban bagi permasalahan penelitian ini serta memberi inspirasi rancangan yang berkelanjutan

    Order-Revealing Encryption: New Constructions, Applications, and Lower Bounds

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    In the last few years, there has been significant interest in developing methods to search over encrypted data. In the case of range queries, a simple solution is to encrypt the contents of the database using an order-preserving encryption (OPE) scheme (i.e., an encryption scheme that supports comparisons over encrypted values). However, Naveed et al. (CCS 2015) recently showed that OPE-encrypted databases are extremely vulnerable to inference attacks. In this work, we consider a related primitive called order-revealing encryption (ORE), which is a generalization of OPE that allows for stronger security. We begin by constructing a new ORE scheme for small message spaces which achieves the best-possible notion of security for ORE. Next, we introduce a domain-extension technique and apply it to our small-message-space ORE. While our domain-extension technique does incur a loss in security, the resulting ORE scheme we obtain is more secure than all existing (stateless and non-interactive) OPE and ORE schemes which are practical. All of our constructions rely only on symmetric primitives. As part of our analysis, we also give a tight lower bound for OPE and show that no efficient OPE scheme can satisfy best-possible security if the message space contains just three messages. Thus, achieving strong notions of security for even small message spaces requires moving beyond OPE. Finally, we examine the properties of our new ORE scheme and show how to use it to construct an efficient range query protocol that is robust against the inference attacks of Naveed et al. We also give a full implementation of our new ORE scheme, and show that not only is our scheme more secure than existing OPE schemes, it is also faster: encrypting a 32-bit integer requires just 55 microseconds, which is more than 65 times faster than existing OPE schemes

    Securing Update Propagation with Homomorphic Hashing

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    In database replication, ensuring consistency when propagating updates is a challenging and extensively studied problem. However, the problem of securing update propagation against malicious adversaries has received less attention in the literature. This consideration becomes especially relevant when sending updates across a large network of untrusted peers. In this paper we formalize the problem of secure update propagation and propose a system that allows a centralized distributor to propagate signed updates across a network while adding minimal overhead to each transaction. We show that our system is secure (in the random oracle model) against an attacker who can maliciously modify any update and its signature. Our approach relies on the use of a cryptographic primitive known as homomorphic hashing, introduced by Bellare, Goldreich, and Goldwasser. We make our study of secure update propagation concrete with an instantiation of the lattice-based homomorphic hash LtHash of Bellare and Miccancio. We provide a detailed security analysis of the collision resistance of LtHash, and we implement Lthash using a selection of parameters that gives at least 200 bits of security. Our implementation has been deployed to secure update propagation in production at Facebook, and is included in the Folly open-source library

    Distributed Auditing Proofs of Liabilities

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    Distributed Auditing Proofs of Liabilities (DAPOL) provides a novel zero knowledge proof solution to a particular class of auditing cases, in which we assume that the audited entity does not have any incentive to increase its liabilities or obligations. There are numerous domains requiring such an auditing feature, including proving financial solvency, transparent fundraising campaigns and accurate lottery jackpot amounts. Additionally, the algorithm provides a solution to official reports, such as in COVID-19 published daily cases, unemployment rate announcements and decentralized product/service rating reviews. Interestingly, it can also be used as a cryptographic primitive for novel e-voting systems (i.e., disapproval voting and counting dislikes), and for innovative private syndicated loan/insurance solutions, new methods for decentralized credit scoring and user ranking, among the others. Compared to conventional auditor-based approaches, DAPOL provides a privacy preserving mechanism for users to validate their vote or amount inclusion in the reported total of liabilities/obligations and complements the traditional validation performed by the auditors by adding extra privacy and fairness guarantees. The recommended approach combines previously known cryptographic techniques to provide a layered solution with predefined levels of privacy in the form of gadgets. The backbone of this proposal is based on the enhanced Maxwell Merkle-tree construction and is extended using zero knowledge proofs, sparse trees, balance splitting tricks, efficient padding, verifiable random functions, deterministic key derivation functions and the range proof techniques from Provisions and ZeroLedge solvency protocols, respectively

    Oblivious Revocable Functions and Encrypted Indexing

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    Many online applications, such as online file backup services, support the sharing of indexed data between a set of devices. These systems may offer client-side encryption of the data, so that the stored data is inaccessible to the online host. A potentially desirable goal in this setting would be to protect not just the contents of the backed-up files, but also their identifiers. However, as these identifiers are typically used for indexing, a deterministic consistent mapping across devices is necessary. Additionally, in a multi-device setting, it may be desirable to maintain an ability to revoke a device’s access—e.g. through rotating encryption keys for new data. We present a new primitive, called the Oblivious Revocable Function (ORF), which operates in the above setting and allows identifiers to be obliviously mapped to a consistent value across multiple devices, while enabling the server to permanently remove an individual device’s ability to map values. This permits a stronger threat model against metadata, in which metadata cannot be derived from identifiers by a revoked device colluding with the service provider, so long as the service provider was honest at the instant of revocation. We describe a simple Diffie- Hellman-based construction that achieves ORFs and provide a proof of security under the UC framework

    Practical Order-Revealing Encryption with Limited Leakage

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    In an order-preserving encryption scheme, the encryption algorithm produces ciphertexts that preserve the order of their plaintexts. Order-preserving encryption schemes have been studied intensely in the last decade, and yet not much is known about the security of these schemes. Very recently, Boneh et al. (Eurocrypt 2015) introduced a generalization of order-preserving encryption, called order-revealing encryption, and presented a construction which achieves this notion with best-possible security. Because their construction relies on multilinear maps, it is too impractical for most applications and therefore remains a theoretical result. In this work, we build efficiently implementable order-revealing encryption from pseudorandom functions. We present the first efficient order-revealing encryption scheme which achieves a simulation-based security notion with respect to a leakage function that precisely quantifies what is leaked by the scheme. In fact, ciphertexts in our scheme are only about 1.6 times longer than their plaintexts. Moreover, we show how composing our construction with existing order-preserving encryption schemes results in order-revealing encryption that is strictly more secure than all preceding order-preserving encryption schemes

    Semantically Secure Order-Revealing Encryption: Multi-Input Functional Encryption Without Obfuscation

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    Deciding greater-than relations among data items just given their encryptions is at the heart of search algorithms on encrypted data, most notably, non-interactive binary search on encrypted data. Order-preserving encryption provides one solution, but provably provides only limited security guarantees. Two-input functional encryption is another approach, but requires the full power of obfuscation machinery and is currently not implementable. We construct the first implementable encryption system supporting greater-than comparisons on encrypted data that provides the best-possible semantic security. In our scheme there is a public algorithm that given two ciphertexts as input, reveals the order of the corresponding plaintexts and nothing else. Our constructions are inspired by obfuscation techniques, but do not use obfuscation. For example, to compare two 16-bit encrypted values (e.g., salaries or age) we only need a 9-way multilinear map. More generally, comparing kk-bit values requires only a (k/2+1)(k/2+1)-way multilinear map. The required degree of multilinearity can be further reduced, but at the cost of increasing ciphertext size. Beyond comparisons, our results give an implementable secret-key multi-input functional encryption scheme for functionalities that can be expressed as (generalized) branching programs of polynomial length and width. Comparisons are a special case of this class, where for kk-bit inputs the branching program is of length k+1k+1 and width 44

    Scaling Backend Authentication at Facebook

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    Secure authentication and authorization within Facebook’s infrastructure play important roles in protecting people using Facebook’s services. Enforcing security while maintaining a flexible and performant infrastructure can be challenging at Facebook’s scale, especially in the presence of varying layers of trust among our servers. Providing authentication and encryption on a per-connection basis is certainly necessary, but also insufficient for securing more complex flows involving multiple services or intermediaries at lower levels of trust. To handle these more complicated scenarios, we have developed two token-based mechanisms for authentication. The first type is based on certificates and allows for flexible verification due to its public-key nature. The second type, known as “crypto auth tokens”, is symmetric-key based, and hence more restrictive, but also much more scalable to a high volume of requests. Crypto auth tokens rely on pseudorandom functions to generate independently-distributed keys for distinct identities. Finally, we provide (mock) examples which illustrate how both of our token primitives can be used to authenticate real-world flows within our infrastructure, and how a token-based approach to authentication can be used to handle security more broadly in other infrastructures which have strict performance requirements and where relying on TLS alone is not enough

    Parakeet: Practical Key Transparency for End-to-End Encrypted Messaging

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    Encryption alone is not enough for secure end-to-end encrypted messaging: a server must also honestly serve public keys to users. Key transparency has been presented as an efficient solution for detecting (and hence deterring) a server that attempts to dishonestly serve keys. Key transparency involves two major components: (1) a username to public key mapping, stored and cryptographically committed to by the server, and, (2) an out-of-band consistency protocol for serving short commitments to users. In the setting of real-world deployments and supporting production scale, new challenges must be considered for both of these components. We enumerate these challenges and provide solutions to address them. In particular, we design and implement a memory-optimized and privacy-preserving verifiable data structure for committing to the username to public key store. To make this implementation viable for production, we also integrate support for persistent and distributed storage. We also propose a future-facing solution, termed \u27\u27compaction\u27\u27, as a mechanism for mitigating practical issues that arise from dealing with infinitely growing server data structures. Finally, we implement a consensusless solution that achieves the minimum requirements for a service that consistently distributes commitments for a transparency application, providing a much more efficient protocol for distributing small and consistent commitments to users. This culminates in our production-grade implementation of a key transparency system (Parakeet) which we have open-sourced, along with a demonstration of feasibility through our benchmarks

    STROBE: Stake-based Threshold Random Beacons

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    We revisit decentralized random beacons with a focus on practical distributed applications. Decentralized random beacons (Beaver and So, Eurocrypt 1993) provide the functionality for nn parties to generate an unpredictable sequence of bits in a way that cannot be biased, which is useful for any decentralized protocol requiring trusted randomness. Existing beacon constructions are highly inefficient in practical settings where protocol parties need to rejoin after crashes or disconnections, and more significantly where smart contracts may rely on arbitrary index points in high-volume streams. For this, we introduce a new notion of history-generating decentralized random beacons (HGDRBs). Roughly, the history-generation property of HGDRBs allows for previous beacon outputs to be efficiently generated knowing only the current value and the public key. At application layers, history-generation supports registering a sparser set of on-chain values if desired, so that apps like lotteries can utilize on-chain values without incurring high-frequency costs, enjoying all the benefits of DRBs implemented off-chain or with decoupled, special-purpose chains. Unlike rollups, HG is tailored specifically to recovering and verifying pseudorandom bit sequences and thus enjoys unique optimizations investigated in this work. We introduce STROBE: an efficient HGDRB construction which generalizes the original squaring-based RSA approach of Beaver and So. STROBE enjoys several useful properties that make it suited for practical applications that use beacons: - history-generating: it can regenerate and verify high-throughput beacon streams, supporting sparse (thus cost-effective) ledger entries; - concisely self-verifying: NIZK-free, with state and validation employing a single ring element; - eco-friendly: stake-based rather than work based; - unbounded: refresh-free, addressing limitations of Beaver and So; - delay-free: results are immediately available